Alice In Tumblr-Land AKA The Best Book for Twentysomethings

Alice In Tumblr-Land AKA The Best Book for Twentysomethings

I love to read. A good book is an instant vacation for me. I discovered one of the best books I’ve ever read over this past winter break. It’s called Alice In Tumblr-Land by Tim Manley. Manley takes all of your favorite fairytales and revamps them for the 21st century and the millenials that our attemping to survive in it. From a break-up texting Aladdin to an internet sensation Peter Pan, these made-over classics are beyond worth the read. They each, though unbelievably entertaining, teach lessons that are tailor-made for ages 18-25. They ask the questions we ask ourselves every day: What am I doing with my life? What matters to me? Am I living the way that I’d like to? Though these may be tough questions to answer on your own, why not look at them from the perspective of a sexually-explorative Rapunzel or Internet-addicted Sleeping Beauty? It’s almost liberating to see something so innocent from childhood aged up to where we all are today. Knowing that we’ve grown up and they have too and their facing the same issues that we do.

In addition to this fantastic book, Manley authors a blog called Fairy Tales for Twenty-Somethings (link below). Here he posts updated fairytales and peeks into the projects he’s working on. Keep up with his blog and go out and buy the book! You won’t be disappointed!

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  1. Twentysomething Life in Charts and Graphs | Disorganized Trimmings - February 10, 2014

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